It's magic

Coronavirus and Interstellar colonization (Mars)

Dear friends, stay strong, stay home, condolences to ones who lost their family members recently due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Cheer up the medical field professionals. You are doing great work! Keep it up!

It is truly uncommon for many of us to stay home this many days in a row and watch out for something that cannot be seen and felt for a substantial amount of time (14 days).

The novelty and constructed virtual and real boundaries by the environment make us rethink how we organize our time and activities. If we dream of the Space: How would it differ if we would have been on Mars? The environment is hazardous and people would have to stay inside the habitat for most of the time and go out only when equipped with protective suits.

On Mars, radiation and no air, on Earth, we have a virus outbreak, which roughly equalizes the environment and makes us cautious added with guidelines to follow – stay safe, stay home, remember about individual hygiene. This is how we watch out for one another today.

Every time you go out in the streets, it is like stepping onto the surface of Mars, a hazardous environment. To maintain safety in the streets we apply personal protection “equipment” (masks, goggles, gloves, sanitizers), we practice social distancing and lower the level of physical contact. And just like spacemen to stay in touch, cover vast space of vacuum with satellite communication, we go online.

Living like Spacemen


In Space. Although formula based nutrition was proposed in the early space era years to cover the needs with all the required components, a more friendly choice of traditional food has its place. Spacemen have a great variety of foods and beverages as a way to maintain cultural identity and facilitate intercultural communication. The Space industry is more and more engaging in growing food remotely to maintain autonomy.

On Earth. Sporty lifestyle and healthy nutrition that we are used to. All in all, it’s science – proteins, calories, vitamins and other nutrients, we are well familiar with. An active or less active lifestyle represents different necessity and the amount of nutrition needed per kg/lb of weight. For males and females, consumption calculated based on individual parameters, which is well-practiced in wellness, fitness and sports industries, depending on the purpose. In Space, food is delivered with delay in volumes and can be stored for a substantial amount of time. Planning meals ahead might reduce the need for frequent resupply.


In Space. Ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of crew members improves productivity and ensures they can return home safely at the end of the day. Environment monitoring is part of the EHS (Environmental Health System) to monitor the atmosphere within the space station to check for contaminants in the air, ensure the quality of the crew’s water supply, and other space station specific parameters like acoustics and radiation levels. Even though there are medical professionals on board, all astronauts are well trained in First Aid and follow safety rules aboard the space station. For the part of the wellbeing read below in Communication.

On Earth. First Aid training is most commonly acquired when applied for a driver’s license. Hygiene best practices are well taught in families and at schools. Today, medical professionals and public officials remind us the importance to follow them. We follow the guidelines, monitor our condition and use protective equipment. Masks prevent contamination of fellow humans through our droplets from cough and speech that travel at high speeds. Washing hands. Using sanitizers while on the go. Practicing social distancing to mitigate the spread of the invisible threat.


In Space. Crew members operate in confined space and spend about 6 months of the mission on board of a space station. The supplies are delivered to this remote location with new crew members or autonomously. Having infrastructure built to serve the needs while on a mission, there is little need to travel far.

On Earth. We use local services in our communities that enable us to decrease the amount of cross-community interactions. Local vendors and autonomous delivery services (drones & robots) serve as infrastructure to move the goods. Just like in Space.


In Space. Communication serves as one of the important components of astronauts’ wellbeing. Facing the challenges of isolation, confinement, a demanding workload, and family disconnection – the psychological demand is understandably extreme. This is why there are whole teams of people back on Earth that are dedicated to the mental well-being of each crew member. Having mission members spread across the continents and family members at home, satellite communication plays a vital role in performing the duties and keeping up the psychological wellbeing.

On Earth. We use online communication methods, messengers, social networks, video calls and conferencing tools to provide and reach out for services that are not always in our local area and vital to our function. We use it to keep our life going and support each other, maintain our wellbeing during these times of partial isolation and confinement.


In Space. Space crew lives at the space station, a semi-autonomous remote location with all necessary conditions in mind: protection, food, energy, and utilities to keep the life going in a confined remote environment.

On Earth. Earthship is not a new concept of a self-sustainable habitat, where energy can be supplied off-grid and some food can be grown right on spot with collected rainwater. Today, delivery services offer a significant step forward to, just like spacemen, concentrate on the important – our mission in life.

Check out this cool Tatooine like Earth integrated house in Canada.

A Tatooine like dome house, 80 km East of Toronto, Canada

Stay healthy, find your inner voice to follow your dreams, find yourself. This can be the best time to do so.

Have we colonized the Earth yet?

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